dhaaran karana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest धारण करना dhaaran karana news and headlines :
1. रुद्राक्ष धारण करना चाहते हैं तो पहले इन जरुरी बातों को जान लीज‌िएamarujala.com2. रुड़की में बेटी से छेड़छाड़ करने वाले मनचले को सबक सिखाने के लिए एक मां को उग्र रूप धारण करना पड़ाamarujala.com3. रत्न धारण करना एक विज्ञान सम्मत भी हैlivehindustan.com
4. जानें कब रत्न धारण करना है फायदेमंद livehindustan.comUsage and Example of dhaaran karana 1. मुझे बाबू का जरा-सी बात पर इतना भयंकर रौद्र रूप धारण करना बुरा मालूम हुआ।

Given are the examples of hindi word dhaaran karana usage in english sentences. The examples of dhaaran karana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., possess, take on, bear, hold.

Plants and trees bear fruit in different seasons. So, people may have moved from season to season in search of different kinds of plants.पेड़ों और पौधों में फल-फूल अलग-अलग मौसम में आते हैं, इसीलिए लोग उनकी तलाश में उपयुक्त मौसम के अनुसार अन्य इलाकों में घूमते होंगे|

Unlike professions such as medicine or law which require a practicing doctor or lawyer to possess valid degrees, nowhere in the world is it mandatory for a manager to possess any such specific degree.
But professional knowledge and training is considered to be a desirable qualification, since there is greater demand for those who possess degrees or diplomas from reputed institutions.
Like objects, people too possess different combinations of traits.
Psychologists, counsellors, politicians, social workers, and religious leaders are likely to possess high interpersonal intelligence.
Hunters, farmers, tourists, botanists, zoologists, and bird watchers possess more of naturalistic intelligence.
If aggregate output level, price level, or employment level, in the different production units of an economy, bear close relationship to each other then the task of analysing the entire economy becomes relatively easy.
A typical capitalist enterprise has one or several entrepreneurs (people who exercise control over major decisions and bear a large part of the risk associated with the firm/enterprise).
What are the qualities possessed by a good leader? Are there any common traits (qualities) applicable to all good leaders? How many such qualities should a leader possess to be successful? One approach to leadership emphasises that a person should possess certain qualities or traits to become a successful leader.
We must bear in mind that when Mendeleev developed his Periodic Table, chemists knew nothing about the internal structure of atom.
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